Update as of 3/13/25 1130a
(see current school amount raised & class standings in realtime by clicking here)
We have raised $45,626...SO FAR!
Free dress day for earning $15,000 was Feb 28!
Dress your favorite Decade Day will be March 13 for hitting $20, 000
Wild Hair & Mismatch Day has been earned for reaching $25,000 with date TBD
Mrs. Dove's Surprise for earning $30,000 has also been achieved! Date TBD
We hit $35,000 & will now have a SCHOOL WIDE Pizza PARTY! Date TBD
Movie & PJ Day for the WHOLE school with a Date TBD has been reached for hitting $40,000
Our final school-wide prize to be earned is a FOAM PARTY for the WHOLE school @ $47,000. Can we reach it ?? We sure can!! Keep going Ladera families! You are ALL AMAZING!
ATTENTION: DUE TO THE RAIN, THE COMET CHASE LAP-A-THON Race day must be postponed. New date TBA

Who will win the Gold Shoe Class Trophy?
For TK -2nd: Ms Math's class remains in the lead with Mrs. Budy's class now in 2nd!
For 3-5th: Ms. Britton's class remains in the lead with Mr. Hanna's class on their tail!