2024-25 Ladera STARS Academy Stellar Sponsorship Program

See below for sponsorship levels available and the THANKS you'll receive for donating at that level. 

Rather submit as a paper form with check? See paper sponsorship form here

Sponsorship Levels - Choose only 1 levelSponsorship amountQty
 Star Sponsor $200
Thank you given by the PTA: A Ladera STARS 18” sign with family/business name displayed along front gate AND Jog a thon T-shirt Recognition (1x1"logo on back of shirt)
 Big Dipper Sponsor $500
Thank you given by the PTA: Includes STAR level PLUS Recognition at PTA events, on PTA website, &PTAs social media AND 2x4 Banner with logo on campus fence
 Milky Way Sponsor $1,000
Thank you given by the PTA: Includes everything listed in the STAR & Big Dipper levels except fence banner will be 4x6 PLUS a framed Certificate of Appreciation & advertising on our electronic marquee at front school entrance
 Andromeda Sponsor $1,500
Thank you given by the PTA: Includes everything listed in the lower levels except fence banner will be 4x10 PLUS a weekly newsletter mention (w/ logo)
Sponsorship Information

(to be listed on 18” fence sign):

Logo needs to be a jpeg or png file only please. Thank you!

Contact Person Information


Questions? Contact us at Laderapta@gmail.com


Paper sponsorship form available here