Red Ribbon Week

Dates: Oct 23-27th

 Have your child join in the fun and celebrate making healthy choices!

See below for themed days






October 23 - Wear Red! Kick off Red Ribbon week by wearing red!


October 24 - PJ Day! Making healthy choices is the key to your dreams!


October 25 - Silly Socks & Walk to School Wednesday! Meet at OakBrook Park [ 2787 Erbes Road] by 7:20 am in your silliest of socks! We will walk to school together as a team!


October 26 - Wacky Hair Day! Making healthy choices means using your head! Come to school in your wackiest hairstyle!


October 27 - Wear Orange, Purple or Black! Say "Boo" to bad choices! Wear Orange, Black, and Purple to school [We'll see you in your costume at the BIG BOO Friday 5:30-7:30pm]




Past Red Ribbon Week pictures;



                                                     Walk to School Wednesday 2021






- Week of events sponsored by Ladera STARS Academy PTA - 

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