Blast Dash


Friday March 8, 2024


General Event Info


The Blast Dash (Ladera’s annual jog-a-thon) will be on Friday, March 8 and is our school’s biggest fundraiser of the year! Dragon Dash donations help pay for our Garden Teacher, Maker space & its specialist teacher, Music Specialist for the lower grades, and some Creation Rotation classes like Snapology & more! They also offset costs for Field trips for every grade level, pay for some Assemblies, and put on the fabulous Family Fun events like Movie Nights, Big Boo, Cupid BINGO, and so much more! Thats right, it's the PTA that pays for these wonderful programs that our kiddos have all come to know and love so we really need everyone's help to make it a super successful fundraiser and event. 
Even better, because we run this event ourselves, 100% of the profits stay at our school to pay for the cool programs and specialist teachers as mentioned above. Every single student at STARS Academy benefits!



All students get to run in the event as long as the PTA receives their permission slip and EVERY child is given a jog-a-thon shirt and popsicle after the race if they want one.

WINNER of the T-shirt contest:

Elena from 1st Grade Mrs. Scott's Class!!



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Prizes - Individual, School-Based, Classroom based,  &'Day Of'

Individual: there are individual prizes students can earn depending on how much they are able to raise. A weekly report is pulled on Thursday morning, sorting, and then delivered to classes every Friday during the course of our BLAST DASH fundraising.
School -wide: there are also many school-wide prizes that ALL students get to experience (no matter if they are able to individually earn) based on funds raised school-wide. These are super fun activities and it is our hope that we are able to raiser enough money to ensure our students get to experience all the various fun school-wide prizes we have in store of them!
Classroom based: The different classes often also have prizes they can earn too based on class standings. Plus the top earning class from TK-2 & 3-5 get the highly coveted GOLDEN SHOE award!!
Day Of Awards: The top runners from every grade also get an award at the closing ceremony.
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Collecting Pledges (raising money)

 Funds can be raised via cash or check using a paper pledge form
Funds can also be raised via online! This year we are using 99pledges. Families were sent a email on 2/2/24 with their admin page for each child. You can also locate a child's page via going to and then inputting the childs name. There you can click to donate or click to share the page via email/social media. For more info about 99pledges, there is a quickstart guide. 

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We need volunteers from EACH class 'Day Of' to help with lap marking, popsicle distribution, and spraying hair! If you can help please contact your room parent to coordinate this.


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Race Schedule




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Other fun options available for purchase

Shout Outs: For $1 each, families can purchase a shout out(s) for their child(ren) to be announced overhead during their racing time.
Blue Hair Spray: Students can also get the top of their hair sprayed blue after their race for $1 as another option

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Progress Updates



$ 37,259 RAISED SO FAR...WE MET OUR 5th SCHOOL-WIDE GOAL! Only 2 more school-wide Goals to go!!



* Past Jog-a-thon Themes *


2023 - Dragon Dash "Let's Come Together"




2022 - "Spring Sprint"




2021 - "Spring Fling Running Thing"




2020 - "Space Race"








- Event Sponsored by Ladera STARS Academy PTA -